You sort your contacts into several categories in FLYLOG.
- Members - people with access to your company data
- Clients - they can have a credit balance
- Crew - your pilots, instructors and students
- Passengers - people who fly with you
People with access to your company data can have these roles:
- Admin - can edit all data and create new members
- Instructor - can create and edit flights and confirm reservations
- Pilot - can create and edit own flights for a limited time
- Student - can create and edit own reservations
- Basic - can create and edit own reservations
- Pax - can create reservations for AeroTaxi
Monitor financial balance
To monitor financial account balance for your customers, assign the contact to the role CLIENT. Then the system will maintain the balance and you can monitor the debit and credit transactions and create single-click invoices.
FLYLOG allows you to specify a discount for each client separately in percentage from the aircraft price.