User Access Permissions

Tailored user roles provide control over system access, ensuring that users only have the rights they need for their role. This intuitive system allows you to easily organise contacts using tags, simplifying the management of customers, crew and students.

User Roles
Grant specific access levels to optimize workflow and data security.

  • Restricted - no access, useful for suppliers
  • Basic - can create and edit own reservations
  • Student - can create and edit own reservations, enabled Syllabus
  • Pilot - can create reservations and add own flights for limited time
  • Instructor - can create and confirm reservations, add own flights for limited time and edit Syllasbus
  • Viewer - read only, useful for CAMO and other support staff
  • Admin - can edit all data and create new members

Intuitive Organization
Use tags to categorise your contacts and keep track of them. Choose from default tags or create your own for efficient filtering.

  • Clients - for financial tracking (credit balance)
  • Crew - your pilots, instructors and students
  • PAX - those who fly with you
Categorise your contacts using the tags in your contacts database
Categorise your contacts using the tags in your contacts database